I use a combination of digital tools, including hard cover notebooks to plan out and organize my day. Notion is a lifesaver and is used as my homebase. Within that, I manage any writing I want or action item that need to be accomplished.
I can be found working on my golf swing, biking a local trail, or reading on my kindle.
“ If you want to be happy, forget yourself. Forget all of it- how you look, how you feel, how your career is going. Just drop the whole subject of you. People dedicated to something other than themselves are the happiest people in the world." - Michael Crichton "Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought." - Henri Bergson "What is the one thing I can do right now / today to make tomorrow easier?" - The One Thing
Reading isn’t just for writers. Reading helps us learn more about our craft — whether it’s marketing, management, engineering or teaching. It sparks new ideas and pushes us forward when we’re in a slump. And best of all, it allows us to think in new ways, and escape the patterns and assumptions of our lives. See below some of books I have recently read and the subjects that have been on the top of my mind.